Thursday, February 26, 2009

Top Athletes Caught Using Steroids.....Again

I am an avid sports fan and I watch almost every sport. But recently I feel that everything I watch has at least one player cheating the game by taking anabolic steroids or performance enhancing drugs for that matter. Several days ago after a long day of school I just wanted to take some time to sit down, relax, and watch some sports. It seemed the only thing being shown on ESPN was all-star baseball player Alex Rodriguez' recent steroid story. Yes, again there is another top athlete who made his way to the pinnacle of the baseball world with the help of drugs.

It's almost become embarassing to realize how many of our country's athletes cheat and ruin their bodies just so they can win. After Lance Armstrong won his last Tour de France, American Floyd Landis won the next Tour. He then had a test come back positive for performance enhancing drugs and was stripped of his title and made the rest of America look bad.

I am not surprised by any means when I see a high profile athlete deny that he or she has ever taken steroids or any other type of drug go on to admit or get caught for having used them. I don't really understand why anyone would want to jeapordize their career of being able to play a sport for a living and get paid far more than one should just so that they can be the better player and get paid more. The risk is definitely not worth the reward.

I am so tired of seeing professional athletes in court testifying to whether or not they used steroids. They might as well have a league for any sport in which the players are allowed to have as many performance enhancing drugs as they would like. Therefore it would be fun to watch because everyone would hit a baseball riduculously far without much effort and there wouldn't be sports drug stories on ESPN the entire day.

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