Tuesday, April 21, 2009

paper 3 claim and reason

Our current generation is too hyperactive to sit down and read a book. The rise of technology has caused people to be more engaged with the newest technologies rather than reading books. Television, the internet, video games, and specifically YouTube have transformed the people’s reading and learning habits.
People are increasingly avoiding newspapers, magazines, and print in general because reading text now can almost seem like a burden. People today show a definite preference for video that is ready to play on a screen because it only takes our passive attention to acquire the new information. Why take the time to sit down and read information when you can take a phone out of your pocket and watch news clips from one's phone.
Due to the new ways technology can present information, magazine and newspaper companies are forced to lay off workers. Newspapers are losing subscribers and are forced to no longer print daily.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


I commented on Chris' blog about life without a cell phone.

Detroit A Struggling City: With Help On Its Way

This past weekend a few friends and I watched the Final Four of the NCAA Basketball Tournament that is currently going on. This year the Final Four teams are competing in the city of Detroit, Michigan. The city is struggling because it is the base of the United States auto manufacturing market, and with the economy the way it is right now, there are only economic woes. Currently Detroit has the highest unemployment rate in the nation with a 12% unemployment rate. The Big Three automakers are in need of multi-billion dollar government bailouts in an attempt to stay on their feet.

The city of Detroit expected 100,000 fans to visit, leading them to rent cars and stay in hotel rooms. Michigan State University is also one of the remaining four teams left in the tournament which is also a plus. Durrell Summers, a sophomore guard playing at Michigan State even said, "I have family members that are unemployed right now."

Hopefully the revenue and money that is produced during the Final Four can aid in opening up some more jobs for families and that the city can prosper in a time of need. It's really sad to hear about hard-working men and women that get laid off from their respective jobs for no reason and for Michigan State to compete for a National Championship in their home state certainly gives the people of Detroit something to take pride in their city as well as to take their mind off of the troubling economic times that they are all going through.